Friday, November 19, 2010

i hate exams

I know, everyone hates exams. But you know when you get to that point of stressed-out-ness that you just feel doomed to failure? That's me right now. There is just so much content to learn... I feel like just bursting into tears! How anyone can learn all this stuff in less than a month is completely beyond me. I've been at it for a week and a half and now it just feels like a bundle of words. My poor friend is planning to somehow study it all in one week! I just don't know how I'm going to manage this one. I still have four days-ish. Unfortunately I have a wedding to go to on Saturday, which is just awful timing. So I have three and a half days and thirty-six hours worth of content? D:

If I told my family then they'd blame my lack of studying while my brother and his kids were in town. Yes, that was a distraction of sorts but I don't think I would've gotten anymore done. If I studied during the day then I wouldn't study at night. I'm pretty sure my procrastinating skills are at work much more during daytime study sessions and I would've been even more behind. I'm where I planned to be at the end of Thursday. It would be nice to be a bit more confident with the content so I plan on working on that over the next few days along with doing questions. I really wanted a 70 for this subject too (yes, I know it's a pretty low aim but I find it so extremely difficult to get good grades at uni altogether!). I suppose upper 60s really wouldn't be so bad but a 70-something would be so nice! :)

I don't even know how to motivate myself right now. I'm just hoping that 3 1/2 days is enough to cram all this knowledge in! I think I felt the same way a few days before my Biotech exam a week ago and that turned out just fine, so I'm hoping and HOPING this one will have a similar outcome!

ARGH! Uni is so painful.

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