i finally got around to writing an entry! actually, i'm writing it now because there's no point in trying to study. it's 12:49am. i've been saying since 1pm that i'd get some work done and, predictably, i haven't touched a single piece. i'm extremely annoyed at myself but there's not much that i can do now. my day is gone. :(
i hope everyone has been well though! :)
i'm currently on mid-sem break, already a week in, and i'll be visiting my brother for a week from saturday.
nothing else has been happening... same old really.
so i've been staring at the screen for a few minutes now, wondering what on earth i should write about. here's what i'll do. i am going to write about something i like and something that i dislike. just to be different. kinda. not really. BUT I'M GOING TO DO IT ANYWAY! :D
I DISLIKE IT WHEN: people get angry at you because you don't like 'like' them the way they like you.
that has to be one of the most frustrating things ever. it's not my fault that i don't see you in the same way! i'd still very much like to be your friend but i don't want to be anything more than that. not at the moment anyway. they'll start bombarding you with text messages and get all pissy when you don't reply to one. then, one day, you just become 'the devil'. all of a sudden, asking 'how are you?' just becomes taboo. your friendly gestures are ignored and despised. what ever happened to being my friend? THANKS A LOT.
I LIKE IT WHEN: i wake up in the morning with a good song in my head.
you just know that you're going to have a good day when you wake up with an awesome song already implanted in your head. inception much? but really, you do. i woke up last week sometime with 'Bootilicious' in my head and i just KNEW i was going to have a fab day. and i did. *nods to confirm* :D
OHHHH! i finally remembered what i wanted to do to this blog! i was recently inspired by William Beckett (of TAI fame)'s blog that had a weekly music segment called 'Saturday Night Music Club'. and i thought i'd do the same thing because i love my music! i have also been contemplating doing a similar thing for fashion observations as i've recently become rather interested in it. so i'll end this post soon and write the first music one straight afterwards. i hope you'll like it! :)
and sorry this entry was so dry and all over the place! i'm heading into uni tomorrow to do an assessment thingo-ma-bob and that's kind of bothering me. :S
have a lovely day! xx.