(written 12/06)
this post is really random but i needed to kill a bit of time before i go get my hair cut. really liking something like this:

but it might be a bit too short for my round and chubby face. :(
i was on youtube and randomly came across short stack's song 'sway sway baby'. and i'll admit. i actually quite like it when guys wear skinny jeans... or slightly fitted jeans. AS LONG AS you have the right body for it. you have to be thin (but not lanky or stick like) and you have to be of like, normal-ish height. if you're too tall, you look stupid. if you're too short, you look stupid. the short stack guys look gross. *shudders*
WORLD CUP ANYONE!? i'm SO excited! i watched the RSA vs. MEX match last night and, even though i don't really know either team nor did i really care who won, it was still so good! can't wait to head up to fed square on monday morning to watch the socceroos play against the germans. sure, it may be unlikely that we'll win but who cares? although i'd say a team with a guy who's got an awesome lean body and ink like this can't possibly lose:

i shall also admit that i do like it when guys have ink. mmm...
(written 13/06)
totally forgot to post the last entry, hence why it's above. ><
i got my hair cut! it's uberly short on one side... pretty much shaved. attracted some odd looks while working today. LOL.
totally need to study right now! so i've like, blown off everyone. sorry if i've been a bitch and not talking to you, exam stress really does get the best of me.
really should be resting right now so that i can get up at 3am to go to fed square for the aussie opener. rather excited about it! even though kewell and bresciano aren't included in the first 11. slightly worrying. hrmmm.
i bumped into my past today. it was angela, the owner of my high school canteen. aka my second mum while i was there. she was looking for a new mattress with her husband, frank. they're two of the nicest people i've ever met in my life! i have no idea what i would've done without angela back in high school! some girls and i would always hang around the canteen after school and chat with her. she gave us free food too (ftw!)! but most importantly she always looked after me when i was upset, which was much too often. especially during VCE. it wasn't exactly infrequent that i'd show up there crying for one reason or another. study, stress, stupid teachers, leadership responsibilities... she'd always take me inside and make me eat and laugh to cheer me up. she always knew what to do! but i miss her hugs the most. it was so nice to get one from her today! it was a total blast from the past. i had to apologise for not seeing her since i finished yr12. i've been wanting to go back, but i don't think visiting settings of past glory would be a good thing for me right now. life's gone downhill a fair bit since i left that place of security... i'm scared of walking through the gates and just breaking down. i miss my former life.
but as much as i miss it, i know i shouldn't dwell on it. it's unhealthy mentally for me. i've been feeling the effects. i'm not as cheery anymore. it's really bad. and i've got nothing to distract myself from it.
bumping into angela made me feel a lot better even though i didn't have a d&m with her or anything. it was kind of like, the past saying hello. it hadn't forgotten about me and it'll always be there. i just have to find the strength and will to push forward.
Sometimes it seems the going is just too rough and things go wrong no matter what I do. Now and then it seems like life is just too much, but you've got the love I need to see me through. - You've Got the Love, Florence + the Machine.
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