Friday, November 5, 2010

Scott, if your life had a face, I would punch it.

Hi everyone!

I'm so sorry for the absence of posts! I've just been really caught up in studying and family... Suffering terribly from a headache right now. It's probably due to my weird sleeping pattern at the moment of going to bed at 4am and getting up at 12pm. It feels so messed up! Whole body just ACHES...

Anyway, I FINALLY got around to watching Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. It was really really cool! Visual effects were just really outstanding and of course, Michael Cera. (L) If you haven't seen it, you totally should! It's just really entertaining. :D

I just needed to spill for a bit. I'm so sick of being screwed over people who pretend to care for a month then think it's okay to just abandon you on the side of the road. It's just... really not a nice thing to do. It makes me feel so sick and vulnerable inside. I always tell myself not to get caught up in it but it just happens over and over and you just get so sick and tired of it. Seriously, all you ever try to do is be nice and people just really don't give a damn. For those you have read this blog from the start will know that I've had trouble with these sorts of people quite a bit over the last year or so. I just really didn't need it to happen again so soon. It's just really not fair to treat someone like they mean the world one day and ignore them the next. If I have ever done this to anyone then please accept my apologies now as I never meant to make you feel disposable and mediocre. I just feel like... argh!

This could all be my stressed self writing aimlessly about things that, in my mind, have been amplified. If so, I apologise.

I'll be keeping it short today, have to finishing reading some papers, writing an essay and studying for my first exam on Tuesday. Blegh.

I hope you're all well! :)


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